

PG 8
  1. EZDZTA S1 Utilization Content

  2. How do you separate salt from sand?

  3. Measuring the conductivity of water from a drinking water unit

  4. Find out how much light energy you absorb according to color

  5. Find out the transfer of heat from a gas

  6. Why is the temperature above and next to the candle different?

  7. Measuring the temperature change when seawater boils

  8. Comparing the Insulation Effect by Material

  9. Find out why salt is used for re-snowing

  10. Compare the amount of dissolution with the temperature of the water

  11. Comparing the Thickness of a Solution

  12. Learn the environment when clouds, rain, and snow are created

  13. Find out the temperature changes of the ground and water surface throughout the day

  14. Comparing the speed of a car with the slope of the slope

  15. Measuring the voltage of the fruit cell

  16. Example of energy change

  17. Making Fuel Cells Using Salt Water

  18. Making Fuel Cells Using Carbon

  19. the creation of a wind farm

  20. Comparing Solar Power Efficiency by Direction

  21. Measuring the temperature change when water boils

  22. Measuring the temperature change when the water freezes

  23. Measuring temperature changes when heating pure substances and mixtures

  24. Separation of a mixture of water and ethanol

  25. To measure thermal equilibrium of two objects with different temperatures

  26. To compare specific heat of two substances of the same mass

  27. Measurement of temperature change of the reaction between barium hydroxide and ammonium nitrate

  28. Find out about radiative equilibrium experiments

  29. Calculate the actual amount of water vapor by measuring the humidity according to the temperature

  30. Measurement of free-fall motion speed according to mass



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  1. EZMAKER Mini Board

  2. Piezo Buzzer

  3. Touch Switch

  4. Neopixe LED

  5. Brightness sensor

  6. Sound Sensor

  7. Temp/Humi Sensor

  8. Module connection cable 15cm 5EA

  9. USB-A-CType cable

  10. USB-C-CType cable