

EZ·DATA Science Basic
PG 8 11 Components
  1. Includes Web Coding & DATA Analysis SW

  2. A sensor configuration kit that can produce basic scientific experimental devices

  3. You can check the data values that are collected in real time A teaching tool optimized for digital literacy education, such as data analysis and visualization, as well as science experiments



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  1. EZMAKER Board

  2. DIY-A Sensor 2EA

  3. DIY-B Sensor 2EA

  4. Light Sensor

  5. Sound Sensor

  6. Temp/Humi Sensor

  7. Contact Temp Sensor

  8. Temp Sensor For Fluids

  9. I2C LCD

  10. Module connection cable 15cm 5EA

  11. Module connection cable 30cm 2EA

  12. Module connection cable 60cm 2EA

  13. USB-C Type cable

  14. Connection Rink 20EA

  15. Connection Brick 10EA

  16. Lego Board
